Aluminum Shafts
All aluminum flagpole shafts are finished with a fine grain oxide abrasive that produces a unidirectional, high polished brushed satin finish which is then coasted with a light oil or wax topical. Anodization or powder coated finishes are added after this process.
Basic Brushed Satin
This is the standard finish which remains on the flagpole shaft after the finishing process. It gives a bright aluminum look to the shaft.
Anodized Finishes
Anodizing is a chemical process that adds a long lasting oxide film to the pole’s surface. It produces a softer luster and seals the aluminum poles against weatherization. Because it is a chemical and electrical process there may be slight color variations between anodized lots. Colors available are clear, light bronze, medium bronze, dark bronze, black bronze.
Powder Coating
An electrical process that molecularly bonds polyester powdered paint to the aluminum shaft and is then heat cured to a hard glossy finish. White, Bronze, silver or black are the most common selection, however, powder coats can be done in a myriad of custom colors.

Fiberglass Shafts
Fiberglass Shafts
Fiberglass poles are finished in a hard glossy luster. The fiberglass and polyester resin shaft is bonded with a high build modified polyester applicant that penetrates into the pole stock and will not peel or chip like fiberglass gel-coats, available in white, bronze or custom colors.

Steel Shafts
Steel Shafts
All the steel flagpoles are subject to corrosion without some type of surface barrier. Galvanization is a process that electrically fuses a zinc based metal medium to the poles surface. Hot-dipped galvanizing resists rusting, peeling, chipping and scratching. It provides the highest level of weatherization. A galvanized surface will have a modest surface texture. Steel poles may also be powder coated or both galvanized and powder coated.